This page will be an in depth look at our evolving practice and approach in the Nature Nurture project. As we work on developing our early intervention programme to support vulnerable children's development of resilience, we would like to share our questions, triumphs, joys and discoveries with you here. The magical formula of free play, attuned nurturing interactions and nature create fertile ground for each child's growth in health, well being, creativity, sociability, confidence and self esteem. The approach is simple, yet highly effective.
Our children are some of society's most vulnerable. Our children have experienced neglect, abuse, trauma or lack stability in their lives. We can't change their outer circumstances of poverty, parental substance misuse, alcohol abuse or domestic violence.... but we can help them find the inner fortitude to face and overcome the adversity that life will place in their way.
Resilience grows, we believe, through a balanced and steady development across seven domains: mental and emotional well being, physical health and well being, social competencies, talents and interests, values and attitudes, creativity and imagination, and knowledge and understanding. Beautiful natural environments in which children can free play with the encouragement, interest and nurturing of specially trained adults, supports growth and development in each of these domains. The following articles will illustrate how we facilitate growth in each domain and how are children respond to nature, nurture and play through our programmes.
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